So Thursday is Turkey Day.
Let's just say I am sooooooo thankful for no school tomorrow. And thankful for my fiance, family, and...
Also, I am thankful for my friends that I never see. One such friend is Molly. Gotta luv some Molly. I told her I was going to put this on my blog, so Molly, consider this your little Ode to Molly Post!
Well Molly is the funniest thing ever. She has had some great nicknames...I won't mention them because she might get a little feisty. Well, I might mention one. In college one of her nicknames was Breakin' Shit! (I even had stationary made for her with that written on it!)Because she had, well, maybe had a few too many drinks and tried to break the light on the sorority drunk bus! Well, she might say she wasn't drinking but I know that I was (wish I could remember the story a little more clearly, but I could say that about a lot of college stories........) And I think Molly could have her own reality sitcom because I know I would watch it. She does some funny stuff. Maybe I will tell those stories at a later date and time. Also, I am not so sure how we got along so well. Maybe because we didn't ever live together. She is just as bad as my sister with the neatness (a little OCD)... far from me! But just the same, I love me some Molly! She says she is coming to my wedding. I can't wait for the funny stories to happen that night. Oh, and I will have a bottle of wine or two chilled and waiting on ya!
Well tonight on the phone Molly says, "It's not about the award, it's about the recognition..."
In reference to another funny story of hers. And let me tell you, I was laughing pretty hard at this one......
So Molly, "It's not about the award, it's about the recognition!"
Here is your recognition:

Wow! She sounds awesome! I can definitely see why you'd want to be friends with her. She sounds hysterical! :)
I love me some Breakin' Shit! I am so out of touch with everyone...Reunion!!!
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