So today is election day, 2007. Just think next year this time we will be voting for a new President. Let's just hope that crazy woman doesn't make it, hope I am not offending anyone. But pah-leez. Who wants that crazy woman to be President??? Not me! I would rather have Monica Lewinsky.......
Last year this time, I was off campaigning for my dad. He ran for Superior Court Judge here in my town. Check out his old website, except don't look at me. I look like a deer in head-lights. However, disappointly (not a real word???) he lost in the December run-off to some dork who had people doing his dirty work. They said all kinds of nasty things about my father. Especially this jerk-face radio show host....who acts like he is on some high horse...although he has been married 3 times, that should show you something. And my father even went on his show to answer questions, and the jerk still said nasty things about him. This year he made some "nappy-headed" comment like Imus and some people protested his cable television show. I soooo wanted to go protest with them. But he he he his cable show was canceled. Poor Austin. Proves what comes around, goes around!!!
And my dad is better off not being the judge. He can hunt and play golf all he wants!!! :)
So on this election day, I was very un-American and did not vote....but I will come time for the newest President.......
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