Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Breakfast of Champions

Okay, so I might be the only person that thinks this is disgusting.

Yesterday morning I had to go to some boring training. And it started at 8:30. Not only was it boring, but it was freezing in this room, and when I left I had to pay for parking. WHAT??? Yeah out of my own money.

Well I had some cereal for breakfast before I left.

A woman sitting a few seats down, a rather large lady at that...(I have no room to talk...I would probably be considered "obese" according to the doctor charts)....
Proceeds to put a napkin out on the table, then dumps out two bags of Cheetos on to the napkin and a box of Milk Duds. WHAT?? She would have been better off eating doughnuts probably. Just the combination at 8:30 in the morning made me a bit nauseous. Am I the only one that finds this disgusting?


Melissa said...

That's a gross combo anytime! Ew!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me!! Probably goes well with pop tarts too!! Happy Spring Break! One more day!!