Saturday, August 18, 2007

Top Ten Things I Learned This Week

These are the top ten things I learned this week from my kindergarteners.

10. They are itty bitty. I have one little girl who is just teeny tiny. You could take her home and put her on your shelf, she is so cute.

9. Assume they know nothing. Don't tell them to go stand at the blue line. Show them where the blue line is. Otherwise, you are going to have total chaos.

8. They love to eat. All they want to know is when is snack time and when is lunch?!!

7. Most of them will go to sleep at naptime, and well the others who don't sleep play opossum. And when I say, "Are you playing opossum?" They say "Yes!" However;I don't think they know what that means!

6. They cry a lot. I had one that cried all day the first day, didn't show up the second day, and cried all day yesterday. They still want their "mommies!"

5.They don't know anyone's names, not even mine. They keep saying, "Teacher, he touched me!" And when they want to play with each other they say, "hey you, come here!"

4. Bribery is the key. They will do anything for a sticker. It is amazing how quiet they will be when someone else gets a sticker.

3. The love to touch things. My rule of keeping their hands and their feet to themselves is a joke. They love to touch everything in my room or the wall or pulling someone's hair. Hopefully by Christmas they will learn this rule.

2. They cannot come up with their own rules. When we were going over the rules on the first day I thought it would be a good idea for them to make the class rules. They came up with: No hitting. No biting. No kicking. No punching. Well okay, so I had to intervene and tell them MY rules, like be polite to others and listen quietly to the teacher.

1. They love school. At the end of my first day, one of my little boys said, "Ms. Williams, SCHOOL IS THE BEST!!!" And to top it off, he is the wild child in my room. So I guess that makes kindergarteners so sweet. Much better than the drama queens and meanies I had last year in fifth grade.


Amy said...

I am so glad you have your first week of school under your belt...Hope it went well!

Dena said...

Thats a fun list - Annie started 3K this year and I was wondering how it really goes inside the class - NOW i KNOW and it's 10 times worse cause they are just 3!!! I hope your first week goes well! I can't wait to see their progress!

LeslieW. said...

That is a fun list! I am so glad you got the first week under your belt, it sounds like it went well.

LeslieW. said...

Yeah...I just read Amy's, guess great minds think alike!