If you want to check out some wedding pics, check out my cuz Chris and his wife, Cady's website. (Thanks Cady we know YOU did it! ) They did a great job with some pictures. There are ALOT! :) Can't wait to print some out.
This is probably post one out of like a hundred. I am going to start with rehearsal night. I could start with the night before (Thursday) and tell you all about my husband (that is weird to say....). But I don't think he wants me to tell everyone about how he had too much to drink and his friends dropped him by to show me how drunk he was. Let's just say we need a new kitchen table thanks to his drunken falling. Oh well it was a p.o.s. anyway!
Friday was a good day. Amanda, Bridesmaidzilla (as a certain boss of hers was calling her), and myself had massages. Oh it was nice. But it went by TOO quick. Then off for a shower and to get my hair done by Miss Leigh Leigh. It looked great. Everyone complimented me on it, except for maybe one person who called me Mary Ingles Wilder. But hey, that was funny, too. Thanks Leigh Leigh for making me look good!
And I have so much to do this week and have to work! YUCK! And I did have bronchitis last week and felt awful, thought that was never going to end but at least I took Friday off and my sis and I will be getting massages. Oh can't wait!
Will be sure to blog all kinds of good stuff coming up VERY VERY SOON!
Here are the wanted pics. First all I will say my sister went to a lot of trouble getting all the "penis" paraphernalia. And then the crazy woman we thought was going to show us the Passion Toys calls and says her grandmother had a stroke. So, first I will say I hope not. Second, I say lame excuse...she must have had plans with all of her "toys" or something. But, let's just say I will host one before my honeymoon this summer (now all these people know someone who does them). All are welcome to attend! So I will just have two penis parties. Sorry ladies for the diappointment! What a bummer. But hey, we still had margaritas. Who doesn't like margaritas??? Thanks to all who showed up! :)
And well hats off to my friend Audrey. She brought me some bondage tape, some gummy handcuffs, a game called "F*ck" (yes that is how it is written on the outside of this board game), some body lick stuff, oh and well a few other items in her "goody bag" for me. And I got some cute lingerie and some thongs (thanks Leigh-Leigh).
And if you are wondering what those things on my boobies are, they are tassels my sister bought me. Fun fun. Except my boobs are way too big for those things! :)
I am a thirty-something first grade teacher expecting my first child in December. This is my blog of "interesting" (depending on your definition) things that happen in my dramatic life.