Okay, so to protect the innocent, I am so not going to tell names. But I went to a party last Saturday night and we were the last to leave. Usual thing? I guess. It was like a crunked up baby shower! WOW! We had a blast. However, at the end of the evening the hostess was cleaning up. Apparently, she is soooo not like me. I don't normally clean up the night of a party. Too much wine or beers maybe? Anyhoo, she had a rake for her oriental carpet fringe. What??? Yep, she rakes the fringe on her dining room rug. I had never heard of such. If my fringe was messed up I probably wouldn't even notice. Not on my top priorities of things to be done....sweet girl, but that kind of thing doesn't bother me. I don't have OCD (like my sis!)
hahahahah- I am not quite that anal - but i don't have an rugs cause they get tooo dirty but i can't even watch tv if there are dishes in the sink so i say more power to ya! hahahhahaha
That is crazy! If we had rugs, my husband would HAVE to have one :)
Um... I want one.
Figures, Molly!!!! :)
That is so funny! kane would love that. He is soooo ocd. I think I will keep the fact that it exists under wraps.
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