I figured I was going to start a post where I put funny things the babies say and do and then add to it! :)
Trace [after Christmas] says to like an 80-something year old lady at Publix, who was wearing a white fur coat, as she passes by in her grocery cart..."Ho Ho Ho"! She just smiles and waves!
The babies love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. After watching Mickey's Great Clubhouse Hunt tonight...Trace (in his room) stands on his twin bed and looks out the window and yells "Oh, Peeeete!" Oh he is so funny. They do this in the video. He also looked like the boy from Home Alone with his hands on his face. [March 31,2012]
When a certain little fellow goes stinky, he says, "Momma I went yuck"!!! And then saying "Issie go yuck!" Daddy yuck, Momma yuck. Um...Buddy, you and sissy go yuck but momma and daddy don't yuck in their pants! :)
In March I was dancing to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Song and he says, "No Momma!!!" Oh I know I don't have rhythm, son!
April 3rd (Master's Week) I take the kids to the park. Trace goes all the way up the stairs to the "big slide" and slides down. Evie follows him and then acts like she is going to jump like "Super Woman" so momma has to run and get her quick and yell no no no like a crazy person. Trace is standing beside me and yells "No issie, no issie". But who knew I had a daredevil???
April 7....NOT FUNNY Evie Rose "fractured her elbow" and had to have a cast for 5 days. Ended up maybe just a sprain! But she learned quick to use that thing to her advantage to get brother out of the way!! :)
April 12. Me: Did you have a good day at school? Trace: YAAAAHHH! Me: Did you go to time out? Trace: YAAAAAHHH! Me: Why? What did you do? Trace: EEEEaat! Me: What? Trace: Miiiilk! Me: Did you throw your milk? Trace: YAAAAHHH! Who knows what the little booger did or even if he went to time out. Although we have had some timeout issues lately with him at MDO. Apparently one day he went to time out for taking off his shoes?!
I guess because every time I leave the house I have my purse. The kids take random items...their easter basket, a bucket, my own purse and put on their arms and say BYE BYE!!! and head for the door. And at the grocery store Evie tries to put my purse on her arm and then proceeds to tell everyone she sees "BYE BYE!!!!!!" So cute!