Sunday, May 18, 2008

The Po Po

Yep, the Po Po came banging on my door Friday night. But it wasn't a stripper...for my lingerie shower. I had a lingerie shower at my house for my cousin and apparently someone had illegally parked in front of my house? WHAT? Yeah, that's what I said. Well my cousin's groom to be heard over the scanner (he works for his dad's liquor store some nights) and heard that they were going to my house. Some stupid neighbor must have called. Because then one neighbor was "pretending" to do yard work at 10:30 at night. Whatever!


Dena said...

Dude - you just climbed to rockstar status if the po po came to your house!!!! EVERYONE does late night yard work!

Lacy Rose said...

Da po po? SWEET!
Too bad it wasnt really a stripper! :)

Amy said...

I am stunned! I can't believe you were being crazy???